Hydronic Heating Tour Continues to Travel Through Canada & the Midwest US


by Lochinvar | 06/24/2008

Lochinvar® Corporation’s Hydronic Heating Tour continues to travel throughout the US and Canada demonstrating the Solution and new KNIGHT Heating Boiler.

This self-contained tour van provides visitors with a hands-on demonstration of Lochinvar’s industry-leading hot water solutions. The tour will make stops at the following locations this spring and summer:


  • • Toronto, Canada with AquaTech Sales & Marketing; May 12-19
  • • Ohio with Campbell Equipment Co.; May 22 – June 2
  • • Michigan with Lochinvar sales; June 5 – June 16
  • • Indiana with S15 Inc.; June 16-23
  • • Kentucky with Lochinvar sales; June 26-30
  • • Eastern Missouri with Behrmann Co.; July 11-13
  • • Central Illinois & Eastern Iowa with Zeil Carlson Co.; July 14
  • • Chicago area with Lochinvar sales; July 17-21
  • • Wisconsin with Lochinvar sales; July 24-27
  • • Minnesota with Ryan Company; July 31– August 3
  • • Iowa with Products Inc.; August 7-9
  • • Nebraska with Verne Simmonds Company; August 11-17


Contact your local Lochinvar representative for exact dates and locations. To find your local representative go to www.Lochinvar.com and click on the rep locator.

“Lochinvar’s Demonstration Van is traveling the United States and Canada to give contractors and distributors a first hand look at the products they sell and install,” said Mike Lahti, VP of Sales at Lochinvar.

The 27-foot demonstration van is equipped with two full-size KNIGHT 105,000 Btu/Hr models fully piped and vented as in a real installation, and one 285,000 Btu/Hr model cutaway showing all inner components. The KNIGHT offers a fully modulating burner with 5:1 turndown and an internal cascading sequencer as standard that allows multiple boilers to be controlled by one central boiler.

Lochinvar’s Solution boiler is also on board. The Solution boiler features a gasketless copper finned-tube heat exchanger that provides for fast, high-efficiency heat transfer, two stage – low/high/low firing control, and it is designed to allow easy access to all major components for servicing.

The van also features a plasma display screen to demonstrate the KNIGHT’s SMART SYSTEM™ PC Software. Additional graphics explain thermal efficiency, heat exchanger design, proper boiler piping, and much more.